High Frequency - Stimulates circulation of the blood, increases glandular activity, aids in elimination and absorption, increase metabolism, germicidal action, generates heat inside the tissue and aids in deeper penetration of products into the skin. Facial Brush - Rotating brushing system, includes a variety of attachments for different purposes. Galvanic - applies the principle of negative and positive current pulling. Cooperating with nutritional solution of anion and Cation to introduce nutrition into skin and harmonize skin degree of acid and alkali.
Spray - Cools and Soothes the skin. Aiding in absorption into the dermis. Facial Ozone Steamer - Moistens and cleanses skin. Steam causes pores to expand and stimulates blood circulation. Comes with an adjustable extension arm that will allow a broader facial steam. Unit Includes a timer, and Alarm Settings. Magnifying Lamp - Magnifying lamp consists of optical lens and soft light of cold lamp tube. It can make observation cleaner, so acne and dark spots are more easily to be found. It is very suitable treatments and skin analysis.
L 17" x W 22" x H 56"